Spir­i­tu­al For­ma­tion is a process, but it is also a jour­ney through which we open our hearts to a deep­er con­nec­tion with God. We are not bystanders in our spir­i­tu­al lives, we are active par­tic­i­pants with God, who is ever invit­ing us into rela­tion­ship with him.

Our Formation CLASSES meet weekly before our sunday morning service from 9:30 am to 10:15 am at the Fair theatre.

Adult Class - AUDITORIUM

During this group we have a time of teaching talking about the previous weeks sermon, then a time of discussion and prayer.  This group's goal is  to talk specifically how to better apply the Word of God to our lives and to encourage one another in our spiritual formation journey.  


This group will be focused on equipping teens with discipleship tools as well as how to live in and walk out their faith.  We will be doing the Journey : Advocates Apologetics Bible study.  For more info about advocates:

Children's FORMATION CLASS - Front Classroom (Pre-K - 5th Grade)

Our Kid's Class focus will be to give our children the sound biblical foundation they need to learn to follow Jesus and grow in deeper knowledge of Him and His ways. Currently we are doing The New City Catechism curriculum.  For more info about New City Catechism:

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