
Pastors & Staff

Brad & Brenda Huckabee

Senior Pastor

Brad and Brenda Huckabee have dedicated their lives to the message of the Gospel, making disciples and building relationships in the body of Christ since 1981.  They are both West Texas natives and have had connections with the church in Plainview, Texas since 1984.  Brad and Brenda have four children that follow Jesus along with four grandchildren.  They are convinced that God has given them the assignment to serve a church that will bring the restoration of hope and establish a healthy life giving community.

Paul Cypert 

Executive & Messaging Pastor

Paul is a church planter/pastor. He served the original church he planted for 30 years.
Today he serves on the Teaching Team here at Hope Community Church.
Paul also serves at Find The Good Way, a ministry focused the practicals of daily living in Christ and Spiritual Formation. He enjoys life with an exceptional wife, D’Ann. They have two daughters, Jennifer and Lyndsie along with their husbands Robert and Chris and a host of Grandchildren. If he’s not on mission or with family, He’s out in the Central and High Plains of Texas getting close to critters. The longer D’Ann and I walk this path of life, the more we desire more Jesus and less of us. "He must become greater, I must become less’. JOHN 3:30 NIV

Jason Huckabee

Associate Pastor

Jason has been involved full time in the ministry since 2008. Growing up in the church, he has developed a deep love for God and the body of Christ.   Jason's primary role is Kid's and Youth ministry as well as overseeing our media/social media.  He is also part of the messaging team as well as leads worship.  Jason is married to Kendra and they have three children, Judah, Ethan & Abbi.  Jason loves to hunt and fish, watch college football, and grilling anything for his family & friends.